Thursday, October 30, 2008

how was math?

the exams are over.

and i am relieved.

i am so tired right now.
but i dont wana sleep.

then again, im gonna watch stuff.
like kill bill and stupid movies.

love me if you dare is a french movie.
that made me cry.
it is so good.
so so soooo good.

i want to watch more movies like that.
i'll go find them now.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

where i used to sit and talk with you, we were both 16 and it felt so right

i never thought i'd give my everything, but i did.

i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams. i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.i hate exams.

i hate this.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

when everything's meant to be broken, i just want you to know who i am

what is the deal with exams?
i swear. it's damn annoying that we do this every year,
and it gets more and more difficult.
how screwed up is that?
this sucks.
im going to die for all my exams.
and i still dont feel like studying
but i have started.
i feel like..econs tonight, again.
because that's one of my only subject i want do well in.
cos there is math, music that i care about.
physics is shit, i swear.
i dont even know why i took physics.
oh well.

i watched burnt after reading.
fight club was better.
burn after reading is quite stupid, come to think of it.

i want to sleep foe like the next 30928423 hours.
and skip every class except econs.
that would be my life next week.
cos im screwed for physics.
but so is everyone else.
cos i know im not the only one screwed for this exam.
but you'll never know.

i neeed to stop this procrastination.
first, one tree hill, the gossip girl, then dexter.
90210 is not out this week.
thank god.
econssssssssss. :(


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

i wish i had tried as hard as you did, maybe things would turn out differently.

01. Your name plus "poo". rachaelpoo
02. Two feelings at the moment? tired and restless.
03. What are you listening to right now? katy perry.
04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind? you're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no..
10. Your three plans for tomorrow? breakfast, study after school, violin lessons.
11. Are you thinking of someone right now? always
12. Are you single? hell no
13. Say something to the person who posted this. wassup.
14. What do you want? to have the motivation to study.
15. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers? hahaha. i know who you are.
16. Are you feeling hungry? no
17. Who do you miss right now? ehh
18. Last friend you talked to online? i forgot.
19. What do you like about the night? it's dark.
20. If you visit a farm, what would you like to see? cows.
21. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? a composer, then a teacher.
22. Last gift? my LION. :D
23. Did you like it? YES.
24. Do you play an instrument? yes.
25. What song did you last hear? i dont know. it's on the radio.
26. Person you hate most? heh.
27. Who makes you laugh the most? sara.
28. What makes you smile? my friends.
29. Who do YOU have a crush on? its not a crush
30. In two words, explain what ended your last " relationship"? i'm still clueless.
31. When was the last time you shaved? i dont shave.
32. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? in the car.
33. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? changing.
34. Are you any good at math? yeah
35. Do you have any famous ancestors? not that i know of
36. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school? nope.
37. Do you know the words to the song on your Myspace profile? dont have a song.
38. Last thing received in the mail? some chain letter, again.
39. How many different beverages have you drank today? like 3.
40. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines? no.
41. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? no one yet, sadly.
42. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? yeah.
43. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? when i was 7, they pulled out my 2 front teeth. :(
44. What is out your back door? my front door.
45. Any plans for Friday night? no. im a loser, sadly. nawh. actually grounded or something.
46. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? it blows it. no.
47. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn for Christmas? nope.
48. Have you ever been to a planetarium? no.
49. Something you are excited about? exams. oh. joy.
50. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? chocolate.
51. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? used to. 3 years ago. how odd.
52. Describe your keychain: um
53. Where do you keep your change? in my wallet
54. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? last year.
55. What kind of winter coat do you have? dont have one.
56. What was the weather like on your graduation day? erm. i forgot.


sometimes, it's a good hurt. it keeps you alive.

school's pretty much boring nowadays.
exams are coming,
and i swear i lack the motivation.
i really just want to get into my second year,
and doing well.
doesnt everybody.
but i need to studyyy.
sucks shit.

on the other side of everything,
my ipod sucks.
it hanged on me again.
oh well.

the hols start in less than a month.
and i have so much to do.
like ee.
and physics pracs.
and exams.
and aesthetic week.
and fringe event.
it seems liek forever.
yet the year is going by so so fast.

2 years is going to be so so short.
this time,
i have nothing to look forward to.
cos it's the end of the year.
and the only thing that im looking forward to is christmas.
and that alone isnt much of a motivation for me to get through all these.
i am soooooo tired.
please, i need a break.

so anyways.
im going to try to study tonight.
and hopefully,
something gets in.
im so bored outta my brains.
this sucks.
for now at least.


Monday, October 06, 2008

not the taking back sunday song

I’m a complicated little object.
I twist and turn to make you feel bad.
You want me within your grasp.
But I’m this little object that screws up eventually.
You see, I’m not a simple matter you could trust.
I am a perpetual liar.
I am a compulsive liar.
I’ll lie whenever I can,
Big or small lie,
I’ll never tell the truth.
You know you can never be with me since the day I learnt that everything is not what it looks like.
Don’t tell me the truth about anything.
It’ll never come out right.

Liar, liar.
Yes, that’s what I am.
Don’t tell me to pass a message.
Don’t tell me how you feel.
In my head it’ll just come out wrong.

You’ll never seem to be able to trust me completely.
There’s something you see that is just off about me.
Nothing would ever be right with me.
I write everything that comes to my head.
I say anything I feel like.
But it never comes out right.

I’m your liar who sneaks the truth in perplexed ways.
You’ll never know what is right or wrong.
I’ll never tell you what I’m thinking.
You’ll never know either.
Don’t try to get into my head.
It’s a rough big crazy world of my own in there.
You’d never get me.

Liar, liar.
Yes, that’s what I am.
You’re instincts tell you so.
I’m an addict.
You know that so.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

buddy holly

- Fast or slow songs?: depends on my mood,
- iPods, MP3 players, or CD players?: ipod
- Rock or rap?: rock
- Male singers or female singers?: erm. male.
- Whole CDs or singles?: CDs
- Downloading music or buying the CD?: downloading.
- Synthesizers or not?: not. but depends what genre.
- Remixes or original song?: original.
- Spice Girls or Nsync?: Nsync
- The above or VH1?: MTV

- Long or short hair?: in between.
- Fingernails painted or not?: nawh. but i dont mind them being painted.
- Tight or baggy pants?: baggy.
- Eyeliner or not?: depends how good they look on him.
- Unnaturally colored hair or not?: why not?
- Alternative or preppy?: alternative.
- Plays sports or not?: not an issue i bother about.
- Brown or blue eyes?: haha. both is fine.
- Outgoing or shy?: outgoing.
- Romantic or not?: romantic. really romantic.
- Just like you or total opposite?: both is fine. depends how good we get along.

- AIM or MSN?: MSN
- Firefox or IE?: IE
- Desktop or laptop?: laptop.
- Windows or Mac?: Windows.
- MySpace or Facebook?: facebook.
- iTunes or another music sharing program?: another.
- Ball mouse or laser?: ball mouse.
- White or black keyboard?: black.
- Big fonts or small fonts?: big. im getting blind.
- Forums or game sites?: game sites.

- Pancakes or waffles?: wafffles.
- Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate.
- Pizza or subs?: pizza.
- Ham or turkey?: turkey.
- Sandwiches or hotdogs?: depends on my mood.
- Cheeseburgers or hamburgers?: hamburgers
- Sweet or salty?: salty.
- Cake or icecream?: chocolate CAKE. ben's and jerry's icecream.
- Candy or vegetables?: candy.
- Peaches or plums?: dont like both.
- Raspberries or blueberries?: blueberries.
- Rainbow or chocolate sprinkles?: chocolate.

- Dry or humid?: dry. humid is awful.
- Sunny or cloudy?: cloudy.
- Rainy or not?: rainy.
- Snowing or hailing?: snowing.
- Thunderstorms or windy?: windy.
- Cold or hot?: cold.
- Warm or cool?: cool.
- A few clouds or not at all?: a few.
- Heavy rain or drizzling?: heavy rain.

- Black or pink?: black.
- Hot Topic or Abercrombie?: hot topic.
- Mall stores or small stores?: mall stores.
- Shopping online or offline?: both.
- DIY or buying it in a store?: buy it cos i'm too lazy.
- Heels or platforms?: depends on the occasion. platforms are more comfy.
- Flares or skinnies?: flares.
- Bright colors or dark ones?: dark.
- Capris or shorts?: capris.
- Bikinis or one pieces?: bikinis.
- Stand out or blend in?: standout.

- Eggs and bacon or cereal?: cereal.
- Eat breakfast or no?: yes.
- Eggs sunny side up or over easy?: over easy.
- Eggs scrambled or poached?: scrambled.
- Toast or no?: no.
- Lucky Charms or Frosted Flakes?: lucky charms.
- Strawberry or chocolate pancakes?: chocolate.
- Quick or long breakfast?: depends on my mood and where i'm going to next.
- Butter or syrup on pancakes?: both.

- Gummy worms or gummy bears?: gummy worms.
- Hersey's or Nestle?: herseys.
- Smarties or Sweettarts?: sweettarts.
- Laffy Taffy or salt water taffy?: laffy taffy.
- Jawbreakers or chewy candy?: chewy candy.
- Take 5 or Reese's peanut butter cups?: reese.
- Regular Nerds or Nerds rope?: nerds rope.

- Bolding or x ones?: x
- 30 questions or less or 50 questions or more?: both.
- Super long or super short?: both are fine.
- Random or themed?: random.
- Friends surveys or music surveys?:both
- Survey MAKING sites or survey TAKING sites?: both.
- Make your own surveys or take them?: take them. im too lazy to make.

- Vitamin water or Snapple?: vitamin water.
- Sidekicks or regular phones?: sidekicks. too bad they dont have them here.
- Shutter shades or regular sunglasses?: regular.
- Nikes or Jordans?: nikes.
- Scene trend or Urban trend?: urban trend.

*gasp* 11![[90's]]
- Ahh! Real Monsters or Rocko's Modern Life?: none but fine.Ahh! real monsters.
- Oversized shirts or straight leg jeans?: oversized shirts.
- Clarissa Explains It All or Fresh Prince?: clarissa explains it all.
- Britney Spears or Backstreet Boys?: both. :D
- Super Nintendo or Playstation?: playstation.
- Grunge or retro style?: grunge
- Home Improvement or Roseanne?: none.
- "Goth" or "punk" look?: punk.
- Belly shirts or not?: depends if you have a piercing and you're hot or not.
- Navel piercings or nipple?: navel.
