Wednesday, April 30, 2008

soap & smoke

i want my dan humphrey now now now now now.

Rachael was having a great day on the last day of may. She was happy for the whole day. She photocopied 63 pages of stuff in the esplanade. She had rehearsal today, but because she was high and really happy, she wasn't concentrating, so she thinks the instructer person is mad at her, but really, she'll do better when she's not that high. She wants to go out tonight and hang out with her old friend. She hopes he would be able to make it. She is bored right now. She is talking on the phone with some guy who thinks his hot when really, he should just ask lauren's mom for her pychiatrist friend's contact. Soon, she'll put down the phone, bath and do a quiz.

List 5 musical artists you like, in no specific order (do this before reading the questions below)

1. billy talent
2. babyshambles
3. bullet for my valentine
4. kate voegele
5. faber drive

What was the first song you ever heard by 2?
the blinding

What is your favorite song of 4?
i won't disagree

What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?

What is your favorite lyric of 5?
don't have a favourite lyric from them.

How many times have you seen 2 live?
no times.

What is your favorite song by 3?
eye of the storm

Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?

How many people have you sung along to number 5 with?
no one.

What is your favorite song by 1?
don't get me started on that. god.

When did you first get into 2?
2 months ago.

Favouriye lyric of number 3?
i don't know.

How did you get into 4?
after watching OTH.

What is your favorite song by 2?

How many times have you seen 3 live?

What is a good memory concerning 5?

Is there a song that makes you sad by 4?
no good.

What is your favorite song of 5?
when summer fades to fall.

How did you become a fan of 3?
after i listened to them from lauren's ipod.

Who else do you know of that is a fan of number 5?

When was the last time you listened to number 1?
2 days ago.

And finally, are you listening to any of these artists now?
yes. kate voegele.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

if life get's tough, fight with it.

& that's because i miss you.

<1> Is your hair wet?

<2> Who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray?

<3> Do you even know who Chad Michael Murray is?
:im watching OTH, waddayathink?

<4> What does your shower curtain look like?

<5> What was the last thing you said?
:what's the last thing i said?

<6> Are you talking to anyone on instant messenger?

<7> Where do you keep your vacuum?
:in the closet.

<8> Are you wearing deodorant?

<9> Do you like to go into chat rooms and annoy people?
:when im bored.

<10> Who would you want to be stuck in an elevator with?

<11> Are you ghetto fabulous?
:nawh dawwg.

<12> Do you like stickers?

<13> Do you like Mad Libs?
:hahaha. fun.

<14> Have you ever volunteered?

<15> Where is the nearest Kleenex box located?
:beside me.

<16> Don't you hate school Kleenex?

<17> Have you ever given head?

<18> Are you suicidal?

<19> Crawling or In The End?

<20> Is your window open?

<21> What was the last pair of shoes you bought?
:erm, my zara ones.

<22> Do you have a little brother?

<23> does he draw you cute pictures?
:no.. that would make him gay..

<24> Do you have an older brother?

<25> Does his room smell bad?

<26> Where do your grandparents live?
:hm. my grandmother lives everywhere. but she's in canada now.

<27> Do you have a rubber chicken?

<28> What do you think of when you hear the word click?
:remote control.

<29> Are you a moron?
:!@#$%^&*( :)

<30> Do you cut yourself?

<31> What do you do during study hall?
:i dont think i have that.

<32> Does your school have open campus?
:i dont think so.

<33> What's your favorite salad dressing?
:balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

<34> Do you like trampolines?

<35> Do you like cheese?

<36> Which is better, tank tops, halter tops, tube tops or none of the above?
:tank tops.

<37> Did you see American Pie 2?

<38> Have you ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum?

Monday, April 28, 2008

traffic lights and empty cereal boxes

46 Questions on Life, the Universe

01: Do you take pills of any sort?

02: You doing anything interesting tomorrow?
erm. sadly, no.

03: What was your elementary school called?
bukit timal primary. haha.

04: How many hours do you work a week?
dont work, at all.

05: Have you ever seen a real giraffe?

06: Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?
chocolate. duh.

07: Where will you retire to?
some really nice country, like canada.

08: Last person you completely lost your temper with?
my sister.

09: What name will you definitely NOT call your kid?

10: How many people do you know called Lucy?

11: What should you be doing instead of this?
preparing a presentation.

12: What's your favourite planet?

13: Do you ever say "your mum"?
hahaha, yeah.

14: How about "that's what s/he said"?
not really.

15: What's getting on your nerves at the moment?
how im really tired.

16: Are you normally quite patient?
yes, actually.

17: Do religious people bother you?
overly religious people do.

18: Tongue piercings: gross or hot?
depends on the person.

19: What about lip piercings?

20: Is happiness a choice?

21: When do/did you leave school?
december 2009.

22: When it comes to the opposite sex, what is "your type"?
hahha. musicians.

23: Do you brush your hair before you have breakfast?
nope. i neve brush my hair, ever.

24: Name three places you've been that you'd go to again:
canada, USA, new zealand

25: What's the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex has done for you?
wrote me a really really sweet letter.

26: If you were marooned on a desert island, how long would you survive?
really long.

27: What colour dominates your wardrobe?

28: What's your comfort food?

29: Ever sing into your hairbrush pretending it's a microphone?

30: Speaking of hairbrushes, is yours plastic or metal?
it's nonexistant actually.

31: Is your house key silver or gold?

32: Did you ever play Pokemon?
nope. never.

33: Trade cards?

34: What colour are your bed sheets?

35: Does/did your school make you support charities?

36: What music did you listen to four years ago?
main stream music like britney spears and maroon 5.

37: What colour ink do you normally write in?
black or maroon.

38: How do you usually style your hair?
it's usually awfully flat.

39: Who did you spend last Christmas with?

40: If you were cast in a movie, would you be lead role, someone fairly important, someone fairly irrelevant or an extra?
someone fairly important.

41: Aliens are going to eliminate one country from Earth. Given the choice, which country would it be?

42: Who normally cooks your dinner?
my mom.

43: George Bush: moron or just doing his job?
dont really care.

44: What TV show should've been cancelled before it was even viewed?
whatever is local on channel 5.

45: How many kids do you think you want?
two or three.

46: Are you happy with life right now?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

when machines break

my supposingly losing weight scheme isnt going to work out.
i think im going for a morning run,
that is if im not lazy.
im too lazy to bath.
but the best part is i dont stink.
so its fine.
you dont have to bath if you dont stink.

i went out for dinner today.
like at a salad bar,
and i ended up going for icecream.
icecream=fat pills,
as according to my dad.
oh oh.
and after that,
my dad decided we should go for a movie,
since there was a jam that was going on for hours,
we should just wait till it stops or something.
we watched like some jackie chan movie.
god, it sucked.
i'll give it like 1.5 stars.
yes, that bad.

so about the traffic jam, it was bad.
like a whole concrete truck overturned and crushed a truck,
i mean the whole damn truck was flattened.
people must have died.
and the concrete truck was huge and it was lying side ways.
it was scary.

at dinner,
i know its awful that i was earsdropping on the next table,
but i cant help it, they were talking so loudly.
some dad was talking to his kids,
like 20 year old kids,
what they should do when he pass on.
i thought that was really sad.
but oh well.

so anyways,
i have a ton to do.
and im tired.


i have this stupid smile plastered onto my face when we talk

1. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
my friend's boyf.

2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?

3. What happened at 3:00 am today?
i was sleeping.

4. When did you last cry?
that i really cannot remember.

5. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?

6. What do you want in your life right now?
more drama.

7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?

8. Do you wear Crocs?
god. no.

9. What do you smell like?

10. What's your favorite Gatorade flavor?
i don't drink gatorade.

11. Whats your favorite thing to have on your bed?
my bear.

13. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
"that's a great idea. (whole date plan)'

14. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?

15. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

16. What was the last movie you went to see?
erm. some japanese opera thing.

17. Do you have Justin Timberlake music on your iPod?

18. Do you live near your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
not really.

19. Can you sleep in jeans?

20. Are you a cuddler?
mhmmmm. i guess so.

22. Something you just don't understand?
sequences and summation series.

23. Where were you on July 4th, 2007?
either studying, or going out.

24. What does the last text message you received say?
"ah! bel not going also, im not going to go either. :('

25. What did you reply?
'haha. alright, see ya next week then. :)'

26. Who was the last person you were in a car with that is under 25?
my brother.

27. What is the last thing someone bought you?
i think it was food.

28. When was the last time you saw number 3 on your top friends?

29. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?

30. Do you trust people easily?

31. Do you say "dawg"?

32. Relationship Status?

33. Have you ever dated someone named Nick?
haha no.

34. Who was last to cook for you?
my mom.

35. When you sleep do you dream about heroin addicts?

38. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R".

39. Do you care what others think about you?
depends on which person.

42. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?

43. Will you ever hug the last person you hugged again?
yes yes yes. hahahaha.

44. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
performing and awesome grades.

45. Who was the last person you called?
my mom.

46. Who was the last missed call?

47. Who's the most annoying person in your neighborhood?
my sister.

48. Do you plan on moving in the next year?

49. What were you doing at 9pm last Friday night?
hahaha. acting.

50. Whats your favorite kind of alcoholic drink?
erm. vodka.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

when i find you again.

pe today, finally.
i ran.
i shot.
i scored.
i ran somemore.

i forgot to bring my wallet to school today.
this equals to no money + unable to open locker
therefore, rachael freaks out.
and and and..
i cant have the spare key because my teacher's not in school today.
such luck.

i stink.
i need a shower.

i need to start doing math and then freak out about music.
performance is in a month.
and i suck.
and then, im like incharge supposedly so, to plan a performance,
which is in 100 weeks time.
that only means i have to chase people for stuff.
but my laziness would be exposed soon.
i am extremely lazy, for one.

i need to shop soon.
it's slowly killing me,
no what i mean is the money issues.
im spending money like hell these days.
i hardly save.
i need to start real soon if i really want to shop in japan.

it's like i'm on a hot air balloon,
you're somewhere on the ground.
it's either you fly up,
or i jump down.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

post #200

at ultrasound last sat.
natasha, me, charmaine.
i ran outta shirts again.

the only reason why im blogging more is because there's nothing much to do.
well, there's homework and all but im lazy.
but i think i'll make full use of my time these few days to workout.
i need to and i want to.
only really because ken said i was fatter since the last time i saw him.
so im going to workout.
cosisting of loads of pushups and situps.
maybe running.
i want my abs, toned arms and not fat legs.
the other option is to not eat.
but everyone knows im hungry all the time or something,
and i dont want to turn aneroxic or bulimic.
so working out is the best way. (:
pe tmr, finally.

i really need to go practise the piano.
and i really wana take up the acoustic.
im going to japan soon and there's only four wekks till performance.
how dead am i?

i need a change of skin.

i know i'll be fine in the end.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

feels like my past life

firstly, i would like to say that this is mine.

so anyways, i took ages to watch oth and gossip girl.
i love tuesdays, it's when new episodes come out.
oth is still my fav.
i think im going to continue with kyle xy soon.
i really waana knowwhat happens next.
kristine is awesome.
she's going to passme season 3 of the oc tmr.
yay. can you imagine?
i can still watch all these and have my life in place.
my grades are up,
my social life is fine.
and i live for tv.
such an addict, i know.
but my life is more of tv, writing, not so much of reading nowadays, but im going to start soon, and music.
i have decided to learn the guitar, after my failed attempt a couple of years ago.
im going to try again.
so yes, my new goal.
i hope i'll accomplish.
i really have to start reading.
i have no idea why im not writing these few weeks,
maybe it's because of the lack of inspiration.

i went for a long walk with sara.
i went to heaven and came back and i realise i was going to hell.
i went for macs with her.
i swear i havent had macs in AGES.
havent touched fries in more than a year.
im going to hell.
so all the walking is kinda useless.
i repeat again. THANKS SO MUCH SARA.
have i ever told you i love love love love love walking?
it clears your head.
i think im going to start my walks to rail mall and back, again.
i havent done that since the start of the year.
i miss doing that.
BTW SARA, rail mall isnt really a mall mall,
it's more like a one level thing with shops.
but i like the place.
it has interesting stuff.
cold storage is a fun place to hang out.
and i get all my ben and jerry's from there.
alright, enough of this.
i shall go sleep.
i need it,
or sara would go on teasing me tmr,
about how stupid and crappy i am when im sleepy.

and sara, if you want to find me at breaks,
try the lockers. :)


the portrait of death

one by one,
they slowly go.
into the river?
i don't know.
but it seems to be some strange pattern.
they are taken by the same strange person.
his hands are cold,
his teeth are white,
he doesn't sleep,
even though you might.

scattered along the paths to the field,
the flowers grow,
and so do weeds too.
the mother of all strange sights,
i'll lie in the fields at midnight,
eating boiled peanuts,
and beers i might.

it scares me slowly,
it tortures me for a bit,
and then in the end,
a little slit.
we're going off,
one by one.
it's not a choice.
it's the time that matters,
and now its time for yours.


Monday, April 21, 2008

rubberbands are made of rubber

now that blood wedding is over,
i can finally go out again on weekends.
something i havent done for the past 1 month at least.
so anyways,
i was suppose to go to malaysia tmr,
but there was something wrong with my passport and so i spent the whole day at home, alone.
started kyle xy.
it's real good, or at least the first season is.
i think this is the first sci-fi i watched,
one tree hill and gossip girl are starting again.
they're good and all but i need more variety.
im wating got the next season of dexter to come out.
i love dexter.
so i've been really tired these few days,
especiallyh today though.
i've been talking a whole load of nonsense to sara.
i spent lunch and recess at the lockers with my kid. haha.
god. sara thought i was drunk.
GEES. i wasnt.
i was just tired.
i said and did a whole bunch of stupid things today.
for example;
sara; are you going to audition for the musical, cabaret?
me; what is it about?
sara; i dont know.
me; chocolate?
sara; vanilla ice cream?
me; huuuuuuuuuuh?
god knows why she laughed at me.
she said it was the look.
oh well.
i was facebook quote worthy.
i forgot what else i said.
anyways, gotta go finish my IA.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

moon by day, sun by night.

opening night was good.
well, i said some lines wrongly,
but no one really noticed..
and almost fell.
my crying is too overwhelming for even me to handle.

im eating sushi now.
and sausages.
and i drank 3 litres of water today.
im so proud of myself.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

i'm going to steal your boyfriend

rachael needs abs.
rachael wants abs.

still watching dexter.
dexter is still awesome.

im getting sick.
my throat's getting itchy again.

im going to school in a couple of hours again.
im going to die of something soon.
arent we all?
i think i'll go first.
hahahahha. goodnight, even though the day's still young.
very young..


Saturday, April 12, 2008

where the clouds go blue

it's saturday.
and im going to skip church once again.
i have 2 presentations next week.
and school tmr.
and so i tell myself it's going to be over in 6 days.
thank god.
i need to start concentrating more on school.
i dont think im failing anything,
but maybe math.
i dont know yet.
dexter is awesome.
at least i think it is.
i love watching people getting killed,
like awesome brutal murders.
and and and, pete doherty is an awesome singer/songwriter/musician.
been listening to his songs for the past couple of days.
he's just plain awesome.
right. back to work.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

i'm going to fly one day

my whole conversation with sean went like this..
hahaha. people are always putting ugly pictures of me on facebook.
people like sean.
and, i hate taking photos because most of them make me look ugly.
i have a physics test coming up.
god isnt going to help me this time.
im going to fail physics.
and if i fail anything, i'll die.
fine. it's some resolution i made for myself this year,
which is not to fail anything.

it's 9.
im tired.
i wish i could watch dexter for a whole day.

im too busy to.
this sucks.
i want to sleep soon.
and my aunt said i grew a lil fatter.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

you spin me around, and you've disappeared.

you've spun me across your web,
and i cling on for dear life,
as i hung on to a single strand that you left dangling.
i'm not your toy anymore.
i live for myself not.
but yet, you still control me.
i want to pull out.
i want to scream.
but you silence everything i have,
everything i need.
i dont need you.
but you make me want to.
stay with your ugly little friends,
and i'd climb out of your little hole you've created especially for me,
and into the corridor.
i'd run and you'll know i'm free.
until i heal my broken knee,
you'd be seeing more of me.


Monday, April 07, 2008


my addiction to crime shows never stops.
season 1 has good plot.
i like it.
now, it doesnt scare me at all.
we're starting detoxing tmr..
i think. HAHA.
my play's on the 17th & 18th, pick one
BELINDA KHOO, i hope you're reading this. :)
and call me for the time and stuff.
haha. and i miss you and i have a million +1837029342342 to tell you.
and i cant reach you, damn.
oh well.
pastry's on wed after school like 3.15 i think. pie's coming, unless he cancels of course.
gees, this is like an ad or something. lol.
call me bitch. i miss you.


Friday, April 04, 2008

so loose yourself and be whatever

first time i've skipped school for no extremely important reason this year.
went shopping with sockkkkk.
i havent seen her in ages, since our results were realised i guess.
spent like a 100 bucks on 2 things.
but i feel really happy.
but my mom wasnt.
cos she was fetching me aroound.
so i went to immigration place, breakfast, immigrational place, home, immigration place, town, home, immigration place, town, home.
and i dont plan to go out anymore today.
im exhausted.
i feel fat and am getting fat.
i love you sock.
i just watched the video,
and i love love love love love love love love love love love you.
i love the video.
and i miss sitting next to you. :(
i love gossiping with sock.
and her thinking im evil.
and the stupid horrible ugly pictures of me you put up.
i had such a scary face.
hahahahahaha, you should see it.
i'll post it when i feel like it.
anyways, i have to go to my cousin's.
so much for not wanting to go out tonight.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008


new found interest.
i realise i need new interest every few weeks.
but oh well, now,it's pete doherty,
his a published writer and poet and a musician.
that's like everything i want to be in my life.
his a lead singer and a singwriter.
still, everything i want to be.
it's difficult to find nice pictures of him.
some of them look funny.
oh well.
if only i could sing and play the guitar.
i'll be writing more songs.
for now, i'll just stick to my poetry.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008


dexter is cool but its scary.
how would i sleep tonight?
