Monday, September 29, 2008

oh no, here we go again, a year + sixteen candles

thank you, those who wished me happy birthday,
when in fact,
it's tmr.
thanks anyway. :D

since im turning 17,
17 random facts about me.

1. i think i'm a musical nerd. that's pretty odd. cos i did a random survey. boo. music nerd, what the hell is that? maybe it's just the music lessons. i dont think i'm a musical nerd, but the survey says so. surveys suck.

2. i am lactose intolerant but i still drink milk occasionally, eat at pizza hut, consume ben's and jerry's and not be affected. the doctor says i'm lactose intolerant but i think i am, only sometimes.

3. there are so many people with the same birthday as me. i can think of 3 people right now, and when i tell people when my birthday is, they go, 'OH! my cousin has the same birthday as you!.' how special.

4. i like having a waredrobe change every six months cos i get sick of old clothes every six months, but too bad. im not that rich to keep having a waredrobe change, unlike some guy i know..

5. i like black. my fingers are black, my shoes are black, me heels are black, my clothes are black, my bag is black, my pen is black, my laptop is black, my phone is black, my tape is black, my hair is black, my lighter is black, my ipod is black and my sofa is black.

6. i swear, i'm not wierd. liking books filled with gore, crime scenes, mystery and law is not odd at all. in fact, some of my friends like reading books like that. im not emo for liking that. if you think i am, you're wierd. :D

7. i like writing after experiencing something new, or remotely emotional. i write it in my head, and then i forget it. i should carry a notebook around, a nice one. care to buy me one for my birthday? i swear, notebooks are one of the best presents for a person like me. i like writing so so much. but i just had a writers block these few months. how sad.

8. i am a mood person, my best friend said so herself. i am. i listen to music according to my moood. screamos when i feel angry/sad/pissed off, punk when i'm happy, hiphop only when i'm in the mood to, which is rarely. no r&b cos i think its too gay.

9. i sing loudly and horribly when i feel really pissed off or im really happy.

10. sometimes, i think i'm mixed with some malay genes somewhere, cos i'm always hanging out with malays of some sort and i don't know why. it's pretty odd but i do.

11. i have a whole ben's and jerry's bucket full of lip gloss that i'll never finish using. and the best part is, i only bought 2 of it, the rest is given to me by my cousin.

12. i am somewhat sentimental. i keep a lot of stuff just for the memories. i've been collecting them since god knows when and i refuse to throw it away. so whatever is junk on my table, don't throw it away. i'll be really pissed if you do. my mom and my grandma did it a few times, and i got so soooo angry. it's either i'm a hogger, or just damn ass sentimental.

13. i used to write songs in my head, i had the tune and lyrics for about a half hour, and then i forget them in a minute. i swear, a notebook would be such an awesome present won't it?

14. i like hoodies. i really like hoodies. i really really like hoodies. i really really really really like hoodies.

15. i have french books on my table which i have no idea how to read. i just keep them here so maybe one day, i'll pick up a french dictionary and start reading.

16. i have a sofa in my room for a few years. i never sat on it since it was in my room. it's used for clothes and bags and junk.

17. i have no idea what i spend money on. i'm always broke. but all i do is buy food. i think that's why i'm so fat.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

again, and we'll set this place on fire

i'll tell you what i am,
if you tell me what you are.
we'll make mixtapes,
and pull the little brown string out.
we'll change the colors of the traffic light,
and change signboards.
we'll draw on the ground with old white chalk,
and leave our mark on the floor.

we'll create our own revolution,
and no one would know it was us.
we'll run our own world,
we'll create a new place,
with rules you've never heard of.
it'll be just you and me.

i'll write my own book,
and the title would be your name.
it'll be nothing about you,
but of the revolution we create between us.

we'll sit on the streets,
eating icecream and drawing on our feet.
watching people as they walk,
and listening to the things they talk.
we'll point to people as we speak,
telling ourselves their story.

you'll get me a rose a day.
they say it keeps the bees away.
i'll write my songs and you'll dance to your beat.
then we'll have the night to punch each other till we're beat.

i'm just saying the fun we'll have,
just running around in circles and talking till the night ends,
we'll never do.
we'll never lie on an empty road,
or roll down a hill.
but i promise,
it'll just be you and me.
no one else but us.


that's all i have to say

i wana watch burn after reading, and eagle eye.
watched my sassy girl.
my sassy girl was boring.
im not into the whole romance thing.
i think it's rather cliche.
though i sometimes cry at some of those movies.

but well, i like assasin movies and like movies with missions.
eagle eye looks really interesting.
and burn after reading was written by the guy who wrote fight club,
fight club's an excellent movie.
really complicated but interesting.
burn after reading should be good too, i hope.

i wana watch house bunny,
which is a stupid girly movie but i wana watch it,
cos she's so stupid.
i like watching people being stupid.
like nickelodeon; all that, the amanda show and drake and josh.
no wonder im like this now.

im really tired.
its been a rollercoaster weekend;
my mood and all i mean.
im really really tired and lazy.
been watching wild child today.

and its only almost the third week of school.
i could die.
im already really tired.
school's so boring now.
and like year end examinations are like soon.
and i still have to plan other stuff.
like.. MY BIRTHDAY and aestatic week.
school sucks now.
im bored of school.

the longer you stay with someone,
they start to get to you.
then it becomes more than what you expect.
with people, you'll never know.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

we'll tell the world what we're made of

Let's talk about your crowning glory the hair.
What sort of torture have you put your hair through (hairdye, perms, straightening)?
hmm. i highlighted my hair red for a month, and then dyed it back for school. it has gone thru daily tortures of hair striaghtening and i think it'll go thru the hair extension period soon. :D

When you bust out of your mother's womb, was your wrinkly martianlike head covered in hair or were you a baby baldie?
hmmmmmm. i dont know. all they said was the doctor shaved off all my hair. i guess my head was covered in hair then.

Oh, the windows to your soul the eyes
If you wear make-up, what way do you like to decorate the gems in your face?
eyeliner and lipgloss.

Were you cursed with less-than-perfect eyesight? Did you inherit it from one of your parents? How are you correcting it?
im wearing glasses.

Sniff-sniff - the nose
What is your favorite smell in the world?
my girlfriend, and rain, and food.

Describe your honker. Is it a ski-slope or a cute button or something else?
a cute bitton.

Mmm, pie...hole - the mouth
Do you think the bigger someone's lips are make them more attractive?
no. i like mine. :D

Have you ever been told that you talk too much?
...that's possible.

Dumbo's best and worst feature - the ears
What is one sound that grates on your nerves?
nails on a chalkboard, high pitch music.

Do you listen to loud music? If so, are you afraid it might damage your hearing later on in life?
no. i dont care.

The airways - the neck/throat
Do you have a good singing voice? What about your speaking voice?
ew. i sound like a kid.

When you're around someone who is smoking, do you have a hard time breathing?
it's fine. just not in my face.

Those dangling appendages - the arms
What is the most you can benchpress? Or can you only lift the bar?
im fat and i can do like 10 girl push ups. lol.

Do you think Michael Phelps's unusually, freakishly long arms are sexy?
lalala. dont care.

Los Manos - the hands
Do you have small or big hands?

"Hands," the song by Jewel, have rather unique lyrics. Do you think they're ridiculously nonsensical or do you understand them?
i've never even heard that song, i don't like jewel.

Hey, there's your nipple - the chest
Are your lungs pink and healthy or black and gross?
hahaha at first when i skimmed this question i thought it was actually asking about nipples, hahahha. pink and healthy :]

Do you lose your breath quickly?
yes hahaha, i'm so out of shape.

Food goes here - the stomach
When you have to throw up, do you just let it happen or do everything in your power to keep it down?
throwing up makes u feel better sometimes.

How important is a flat tummy to you?
yes, but i dont have one. like i said. im fat.

Get off monkey - the back
Have you ever had one of your friends stand on your back to pop it?
no that's what the chiropractor is for.

Does sleeping on couches or floors make your back hurt?
floors - yes, couches - sometimes.

What-what in the butt - the rear
When forced to sit in plastic chairs, does your butt hurt afterwards?

Do you think girls with huge rear ends are really attractive?
if u think im attractive..

Gams - the legs
How much do you walk a day?
it depends.

When you have to lift something heavy, do you always remember to lift with your legs? If so, does it help?
no haha.

Step on it - the feet
Do you have a hard time finding shoes your size?
not usually.

What is your favorite color to paint your toenails?


Thursday, September 11, 2008

i'm falling for you, this time, for real.

*One* Do you look good when you wake up?
oh yeah. :D the best i ever look is then.

*Two* Do you ever think you'll look back when you're older and feel so lame that you did all these surveys?

*Three* Do you know the meanings of the kilt pin positioning in Catholic schools?
pins that poison catholicists.

*four* Last thing someone told you they were jealous of you for?

*Five* Do you find your job rewarding?
i dont have a job.

*Six* What is the point in regretting?
who really knows.

*Seven* Why did you last delete someone from Myspace/Msn/whatever?
erm, some guy, i know. but like he still can talk to me. msn sucks.

*Eight* Do you have a nifty book mark?

*Nine* Do you have any songs on your iPod that say nothing but the title over and over again?

*Ten* How long have you been / were you in high school?
4 years. damn.

*Eleven* Last thing you threw in the garbage?
i forgot.

*Twelve* What would you like to do with the person who took this before you?
i dont know who she even is.

*Thirteen* Do you love or hate straightening your hair?
i have to get it straight or it'll suck.

*Fourteen* What is the caption for your default picture?
i dont have a caption.too lazy to put one.

*Fifteen* Are you in love with your best friend?

*Sixteen* What is the longest you have kept a tamagotchi alive for?
i forgot. i was 7.

*Seventeen* What does the objective on your resume state?
i dont have a resume right now.

*Eighteen* What is the last song you played on repeat?
can't stand me now by the libertines.

*Nineteen* Do you actually make a to-do list, and if so what is the first unchecked thing on your to-do list?
i lost it.

*Twenty* Why did you last go to the mall?
to sleep. mmmMMMmmmMMmmmmMm.

*Twenty-one* When at the mall do you usually just hang out or actually shop?

*Twenty-two* Why is candy considered sexy?
cos u can lick it off people.

*Twenty-three* CD in your CD Player?

*Twenty-four* What Gauge are each of your piercings?
i dont gauge my ears, they are just normal studs.

*Twenty-five* Are you very persuasive?
no, not really.

*Twenty-six* Who makes the best surveys in your opinion?
i don't pay attention, i just find a survey that looks fun/interesting and then i do it.

*Twenty-seven* What is the slogan on the license plates for your state/province?
i dont know.

*Twenty-eight* Do people generally tell you that you are photogenic?
sometimes. but i dont think i am.

*Twenty-nine* Do you have all the same, or all different passwords for everything?

*Thirty* What day of the week did or will your birthday fall on this year?
last week of september, tuesday.

*Thirty-one* Is the last person you hugged cute?
yes. :D:D

*Thirty-two* Do you HATE some of the survey takers on xanga?
laallalalala. im on blogger.

*Thirty-three* Last person you saw wearing a band shirt, and which band?
the beatles. everyone has that effing shirt.

*Thirty-four* Do you love or hate interactive questions in surveys?
i dont careeeeeeeee.

*Thirty-five* Do you ever find yourself narrating your life in your head?

*Thirty-six* Have you ever had something other than a regular mattress for a full time bed?
a bedddd.

*Thirty-seven* Last time using glow sticks?
i forgot. i think in may.

*Thirty-eight* What colour are your nails painted?
i wish they were colored black.

*Thirty-nine* Last make-up item bought?

*Forty* What colour is your nail polish remover?



Sunday, September 07, 2008


school starts again tmr.
1 week.
it goes by so so fast.
what do i have left? lit
3.econs commentart draft 2
4.physics practical

that's about all.
i think this week sucked.
next week is going to be hours in front of this,
not that i dont love her,
but it's tiring.
and my back hurts.

i'm happy i finally finished my portfolio.
and i'm finally done with music presentation.
i'm pleased,
but not please enough.
i shall start reading or something.
ib sucks so bad now.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

if i said i didnt love you anymore, would you blame me for not trying?

oh mannnnn.
guess what's back?
one tree hill and gossip girl. (!!!)
i can't wait for dexter be out again.
i'm such a tv addict,
maybe more of a computer addict.
maybe this is why i'm growing so damn fat.

i'm not going to continue my fat post.

i need to go fix my violin.
i cannot tune a violin.
i'll break the string.
this is the 2nd time.
oh well.

chinese oral in school today.
what's the best part about my holiday so far?
i didnt do anything.
but i am today.
i'm so damn lazy.


Monday, September 01, 2008

black cat

i have just realised something,
something so obvious,
that everyone but me knows.
because i don't look at the mirror that much.
here goes...
damn. i'm fat.

every since school,
i have gained 238472367236423kg.
i dont know how i'm going to loose weight.
i'm too lazy to exercise.
tina is out everybody.
tina sucks.
she haunts every fat girl around.
i wish she'd just go away and leave me alone.

let's see what i can do..
gym? too lazy.
diet? wont survive it.
running? no freaking way.
shopping? i'm broke. :(
walking? nawh, too lazy.
oh well.
i think i'll just spend lesser money,
and work out at home.
this sucks.
i'm so freaking fat now.
