Saturday, September 29, 2007

16 things to do before you're 16.

1. Splurge on a designer dress

They say; Who says you have to be going to prom to get a great dress? That darling number looks so good on the rack, and you know it'll look even better on you. It's way more than you can afford? That's where your savvy saving skills pay off. Save up however much allowance or babysitting dough you need until you've reached your glamorous goal. Nothing feels better than buying yourself something you're dying for with your money. The "I feel fabulous" glow you'll have when you wear that piece? Priceless.

I say; kinda did that. lol. for prom that is. and the designer is me! so is that counted?

2. Make a mean lasagna

They say; You know that family fave Mom or Dad prepares to culinary perfection? Get a private cooking lesson from the 'rents, then practice. Cooking skills are extremely useful--you can impress your friends, wow your dates, survive through college and, most important, make your own real dinner (note: not microwave burritos) whenever you're starving.
I say; lasagna..? hmm. i cook french food only, for now.. but i've heated up lasagna in the microwave and poured sauce all over it..

3. Reconnect a friend

They say; Remember that girl you spent all summer with at day camp when you were 11? Or maybe you had a friendship fallout with a once-tight bud over an issue that now seems stupid. Reach out to see if you can reunite. No contact info? Make like Nancy Drew and poke around on MySpace or Facebook. You just might find her.

I say; DID THAT!

4. Sing your heart out

They say; our youth group is doing its own version of American Idol, and you want to get up there and belt out Pat Benatar's "Heartbreaker." But you also kinda feel like barfing. Know what? Get over it. Just sing your heart out. So what if you suck? It's all about having the gumption to put yourself out there for the sake of having a great time!

I say; im totally not a singer.. hmm. but singing you're heart out alone? yes.

5. Kiss!

They say; Pucker up for peace and prosperity. The PeaceKeeper Kiss Campaign wants to get you into a lip-lock. Slide on over to, print out an entry form, kiss it (be sure to have on your favorite shade of lip gloss!), and return it in the mail along with a dollar. Your smackeroo will be put on display at the site's Kiss Museum, and your buckaroo will go to support and educate women and girls who have escaped trafficking or indentured servitude.

I say; been there done that.

6. Chase the ice cream truck

They say; You're sitting by the pool when you hear that familiar jingle. C'mon admit it--your natural urge is to race down the street. Thing is, you're not too old to chase after the ice cream truck and spring for a King Cone. While you're at it, run through the sprinkler, climb on the monkey bars, blow bubbles, jump rope, play hopscotch. Who cares if the crew is watching?

I say; there's no fricking icecream truck in this country!!

7. Be well read

They say; Take advantage of homework-free summertime and pick up a book (or two or three) to read for pleasure. Truth is, girls who crack the covers are more interesting--and enriched. Go to in June for inspiration, then make a goal of reading two books a month. Two we recommend? Breeze through Runaround by Helen Hemphill, then go for the endearing A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, a classic about a girl determined to escape poverty.

I say; yes yes.

8. Try hot yoga

They say; It's an art known as Bikram, and it's about strengthening your body in a 105-degree room. OK, maybe that's not your thing, but how about rock climbing or skateboarding? To take the blah out of exercise and to get you in a routine of lifelong fitness, try new activities until you find your stay-fit passion.

I say; nope. never tried that before. but one day, I WILL!

9. Be assertive

They say; Sometimes, a gal's gotta stand up for herself. If you've been treated unfairly by someone, call her on it. Talk to the rec counselor about that embarrassing comment she made in front of everybody. Tell your parents you don't want to watch your baby brother every Friday night. Or make your BFF understand that she is absolutely not--no matter how much she begs--borrowing your new designer dress.

I say; im nice, so i never did that. LOL!

10. Make a post-high school (or middle school) plan

They say; Grab a pen, and make a list of things you want to accomplish after you finish middle school or graduate high school. Do you want to improve your math skills? Work on your art? Score an internship or job somewhere? Go to a particular college? Write the steps needed to reach your goals. It brings focus to what's important and helps map out a crystal-clear path on how to get there.
I say; YES! i've done that!

11. Rock a relationship

They say; Whether you have a boyfriend now or intend to have one in the future, listen up. Don't call him, like, five times an hour. He doesn't need to know you're at the mall, and you don't need to know where he is every second. Keep hanging with friends and doing your usual thing. You can have a life and a BF. It can be a tricky balance, but it's one every girl should strive to achieve.

I say; done that.

12. Learn how to ride a bike

They say; ... or backstroke or snap your fingers or whistle a tune or play chess. Is there something you wish you'd learned to do as a little kid but didn't? It's not too late! If you were never taught to manage a two-wheeler, it's time to lose the training wheels.

13. Go out to dinner

They say; ... with your dad or brother or uncle. Stand-up males in your fam are important when it comes to shaping your expectations from guys in general. Bond with your boys over barbecue ribs, a camping trip, a baseball game, whatever. Don't forget Father's Day on June 17!

I say; like every other weekend!

14. Pack that piggy bank

They say; Stashing cash is so important. Put at least half the moolah you get--that includes birthday money--into a savings account, and consider it untouchable (it should be used later for a car, college expenses or investments). The rest of your cash is for entertainment and splurges. Being responsible with money is a skill worth its weight in gold.

I say; Yes yes. and im not the only contributer to my bank account. *winks!

15. Become Ms. Fix-it

They say; The helpless-girl routine is so tired. Learn to debug your computer. Teach yourself to change a flat tire (bike and car, please). If you wanna redo your room, paint it yourself. When stuff needs to get done, there's one person you can always count on--you.

I say; my brother is not the only Mr-fix-it in my family.

16. Take up a good cause

They say; Whether it's stray cats, global warming or cancer awareness, find something you care about, then devote time and energy to it. You'll be participating in ways that can truly help make the world a better place. What could beat that?
I say; YEAP! china.


Friday, September 28, 2007


Q: Kissed any one of your friends?
A: Yes!
Q: Been arrested?
A: Nooooope!
Q: Kissed someone you didn't like?
Q: You like someone?
A: yes. if sock yong's counted
Q: Held a snake?
A: Yup !
Q: Been suspended from school?
A: nope!
Q: Been fired from a job?
A: NEVER worked.
Q: Sang karaoke?
A: nope!!
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
A: yeap!
Q: Laughed until you started crying?
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
A: nope! but i will!
Q: Kissed in the rain?
A: nope!
Q: Sang in the shower?
A: HAHA yeah.
Q: Sat on a roof top?
A: nope!
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
A: nope. but sea yes.
Q: Broken a bone?
A: what kind? a fish or chicken?
Q: Shaved your head?
A: wanted too. LOL
Q: Played a prank on someone?
Q: Had/have a gym membership?
A: nope!
Q: Made a girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
A: nope!
Q: Shot a gun?
A: Nope!
Q: Donated Blood?
A: Nope!
Q: Had your heart broken?
A: Yup!
Q: Broken someone's heart?
A: I guess!
"Who was your last?"LAST PERSON:
1. You hung out with?
A: charmaine!
3. You were in a car with?
A: my mom and my sister.
4. Went to the movies with?
A: HAHA cant remember!
5. Went to the mall with?
A: sockyong and bel?
6. You talked on the phone with?
A: my mom?
7. Made you laugh?
A: sockyong.
8. You hugged?
A: sock!
9. You cried with?
A: myself!
1. Pierce your nose,tongue or lipsor all three?
A: tongue!
2. Be serious or be funny?
3. Drink whole or skim milk?
A: no milk. ALLERGIES!
4. Die in a fire or get shot?
A: i dont want to be disfigured when i die
1. Sun or moon?
2. Winter or Fall?
A: fall!
3. Left or right?
A: Right.
4. Sunny or rainy?
A: rainy!
6. Where do you stay?
A: hillview.
7. Favorite Song?
A: pins and needles
Do you want to get married?
A: yes. yes. yes.
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti orcutit?
A: i dont like spaghetti.
10. Do u know what am I talking about?
A: no.
11: Do u know wheres 12?
A: up your ass turn right.
13. Do You Cook?
1. Kissed someone?
A: nope!
2. Sang?
A: In the bathroom!
3. Been hugged?
A: Yup!
5. Danced Crazily?
6. Cried?
A: nope!
7. Liked someone you can't have?
A: HAHA. i guess.


lucky me!

this is awesomeness. i've got another guess bag! (:
from my mom that is.
its for my birthday. (:
so anyways, my results suck but i improved 4 grades for physics!
yay! and try believing this. i've got a C5 for english. like wtf?


Monday, September 24, 2007

make my day

so i've got back my english paper. im kinda happy, cos i got like 23/30. but then again, its not very good bcos there were so many grammer mistakes, and the teacher marking it obviously didnt care abt my choice of words. she hardly understood it, i think. i dont think she's a writer. anyways, oh. there's like my emath paper. the teacher wrote 'wow! such perserverence!' hurr. that's like extreme funny. i laughed like mad.

so im starting to read again, like all my old books, which is extremely boring, but you know i've gotta study. everyone's in this studying mood which i dont think i have bcos, well, i lack motivation and i've tried! i swear! nothing motivates me. if i could just find that one thing that does, i'll be so happy but there isnt.

oh well.


Friday, September 21, 2007

totally not a cook!

today has been alright i guess.
prelims are OVER!
and physics.. god. i did so much physics in the last ten weeks and i dont think it has paid off. i couldnt score today. ugh.
so i went to holland today, to make my dress. im a person whose awfully bad in directions so i took like 2 buses and i stil wasnt there! then i cabbed. hah. half way thr the journey, my mp4 died. just my luck i guess. so i tailor made my dress today. yay!
then i came home, and i cooked. im a really awful cook. lol. i cooked horribly today. oh well, im so not a cook!
oh! leon showed me my primary one photo again. lol. i miss primary school. well, a dash of nostalgia is fun by the way. i looked at one guy in the photo ad i was wondering where he went. he taught me how to play soccer in primary school. hmm. those days were fun. now im totally not a soccer person i guess. i suck at soccer now. sadly. im not atheletic at all. hah. oh well.


Thursday, September 20, 2007


TV is one of the most awesome inventions ever. so i watched greys anatomy today. it was awesome really. oh today's episode is abt like this woman, she screwed a guy and broke his dick. i laughed my ass off. it was so funny. hah. then there's distubia. dont ask me how i got it. it was alright, not THAT awesome, i've seen better thrillers. just cant wait to see fracture though. i can wait till the DVD's out. ANYWAYS, disturbia. the girl wasnt that pretty. she has a hot body though but i really like the part where he tells her how he looks at her. it was sweet. shia is hotness.

so anyways, TMR'S THE LAST PAPER! yay physics! i've been waiting for tmr! cant wait!

oh. i think im gonna go tailor make my dress this weekend, or not the next.


Monday, September 17, 2007

i hurt

right. exams.
im so relieved that physics is over. if i dont do well, i swear i'll cry. hah. well, today, i screwed up geog. its my fault really i couldnt find my textbk. so i read notes, but they didnt help much. but i dont know why, i happy with my a math today, exp for one question where i forgot to multiply some number to the answer. !!! .
so anyways, i went to clark quay, again, yesterday, only bcos i had a family thing. my cousin's parents came over. so me and my cousin went to see bars. the clinic was cool. well, im going there someday again.
now 13 more days till im 16!

by the way, my stomach hurts like mad. kill me.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007


im sick again! like when was the last time i said i was sick? like 2 weeks ago or something
you know its the stomach flu again. ack. well, im so used to it right now.
wow. that sucks.
so im staying at home.. WATCHING THAT 70'S SHOW! while y'll are down studying. (:
i feel better already.
right. so there's studying later.
i cant eat anything that aint blend.
so much for my time at home. tv's awesome.
oh. i found out why im lactose intolerant.
long story. the doctor explained it to me.


Sunday, September 09, 2007

the oddest things

there's a squashed lizard at the door of my room. its so gross. so much for wanting to do forensics. my mom refuse to take it down for me. so i guess it has to rot there slowly. there's nothng much i can do about it. and im not going to overcome my fear of that icky thing. i simply refuse to.
my brother ate like 12 pancakes today. well, i made pancakes for breakfast. my brother ate 12. oh well, so much for growing guys.
3 more weeks till im sixteen.
i need more eyeliner.
i want to get my black pants.
i need to go tailor make my dress soon.
im simply too lazy to work out. im getting fatter now.
i want to go tanning but its either im too lazy to or its raining.
i totally need sunglasses.. but its like what? 41 bucks?
dad agreed to get me contact lenses. yay. his in australia now. mom suppose to go.. but she doesnt want to. oh well.
i have no mood to study, again.
i keep writing these few days. i wrote so much.


Saturday, September 08, 2007


You Are Adventurous... Sometimes

You like an adrenaline rush as much as the next person. You like your thrills in small doses.
You're generally pretty calm and level headed. But sometimes you have to go wild and have a crazy adventure.

You Scored an A

You got 10/10 questions correct.

It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors.
If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs.
As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human.
And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes.

Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC

"Back in black, I hit the sack,
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"

Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos.
But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last!

People Envy Your Compassion

You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.

You Should Be In The Donnas

You've got that a bit of an edge to you
The bad girl that all the good boys want!

You Are a Punk Rocker!

When it comes to rock, you don't follow any rules
You know that rocking out is all about taking down the man
You've got an incredible stage presence and rock persona
You scare moms, make bad girls (or boys) swoon, and live life on the edge!

Your Glamour Icon Is

Beauty is an experience, nothing else.



yes. to cityhall this time.
i've got my present from my auntie at zara and a wonder woman shirt.
i wanted to buy pants from zara but i bring enough money, sadly.
it fit me perfectly! god. that's damn sad.
i wana get another forever 21 shirt and a mango shirt.
oh well.. i need another shopping trip.
but you know i have to study now.
oh. im gonna tailor make my dress soon..
that means no more spending money. haha.
Liz Claiborne sucks here.
they are totally not like the ones in canada!
i was soo disappointed cos i wanted my prom dress from liz claiborne but they dont sell clothes like that here. grrr...


Friday, September 07, 2007

something so random

i think my face looks really ugly in this one. if i put on my specs, i'd look like some old specky politician or something. ew. but wow. i look like drake bell and kelly osbourne. hurr..


Tuesday, September 04, 2007


oddly enough, i have recently picked out a new hobby.
sharpening pencils.
god knows why of all things, i choose to sharpen pencils.
i think its real fun.
but oh well. it helps me study.
math + my creative side = fun for me.
vanessa came today.
but its like almost raining, so i didnt swim, sadly
and its like the first time, i've seem vanessa's crazy side.
oh well, she's coming on thursay again.
seriously man.
all i did today was amath, and sharpen pencils.
