Wednesday, December 31, 2008

bet you'd wanna know.

Put your iTunes on shuffle

1. Song Title: Pain by Three Days Grace

- Do you know the words to this song?
not really. only certain parts of the song.

2. Song Title: Trampoline by The Grates

- What's your favorite line from this song?
use your bed like a trampoline,i said, higher! higher!

3. Song Title: Dope Nose by Weezer

- How does this song make you feel?
happy i guess, COME ON! ITS WEEZERRR!

4. Song Title: Take It Back by Korn

-What genre of music is this song?

Rock. or Heavy Rock. Whichever.

5. Song Title: No Control by Bullet For My Valentine

-Have you seen the music video for this song? If so, do you like it?
Nope. Haven't watch music videos in the longest time.

6. Song Title: Sea Of Love by Cat Power

-Have you ever heard this song in the car on the radio?
Nope. i dont even know where i got this song from.

7. Song Title: Learning To Fall by Boys like Girls

-How many times have you listened to this song?
My itunes say 2 but i know it's like 20?

8. Song Title: Something I Can Never Have by Flyleaf

-Would you consider this song to be underground, overplayed, mainstream or rarely heard of?

9. Song Title: Hashpipe by Weezer

-Was this song on a movie?
Nope! but i love this song.

10. Song Title: All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar

-Is this song in English?

11. Song Title: Don't speak by No Doubt

-Would you have this song as a ringtone?
Nope. I won't be able to hear it. AND, i don't like ringtones.

12. Song Title: Lazy Sunday by The Libertines

-Would you have this song as a ringback tone?
It's cute but no.

13. Song Title: Self inflicted by Katy Perry

-How did you first discover this song?
When i downloaded her whole album and listened to it.

14. Song Title: Sin City Rap by Britney Spears

-Best dance move to do to this song?
If there's anyone watching, it'll be like me standing there, cos that's the best thing you'd watch. If not it's like me tripping and falling on my face, or you'd see me doing something weird and i'd say im dancing and you'd be like nooo... that's not dancing.

15. Song Title: Drink The Night Away by Rediscover

-Is this the remake of another song?
I don't think so.

16. Song Title: Watch Me Go by The Dollyrots

-Can you play this song on any instrument?
nope! but the drumming seems not that difficult.

17. Song Title: From Heads Unworthy by Rise Against

-Which line in the song describes you?
Read, You
Like a polygraph
Not, One
Single bone in your back
Own, Up
To how you let us down

18. Song Title: Cassie By Flyleaf

-Which of your friends reminds you most of this song?
Steph, cos she liked them so much and made me hear them on her ipod.

19. Song Title: Slow Down by The Academy Is

-Does this song describe a period of time in your life?

20. Song Title: Blue And Yellow by The Used

-Do you have a t-shirt supporting the singer/band of this song?
I have a jacket. :D

21. Song Title: Underclass Hero by Sum 41

-Is this your best friend's favorite song?

22. Song Title: Poker Face by Lady GaGa

-If this song played at a dance, what would you do?
Dance, but you'd prolly don't wanna see me do that.

23. Song Title: First Shot by Illscarlet

-What's the best sounding instument in this song?

24. Song Title: No Good by Kate Voegele

-Does your favorite band sing this song?
Nope! but she's really good.

25. Song Title: Stalker by GoldFinger

-Is this appropriate to be played at a funeral?
HAHA. if you're stalker died, maybe a tribute to her perseverence and if she died in jail after trying to escape to stalk you again.

26. Song Title: The Art Of Sharing Lovers by A Static Lullaby

-Have you ever heard this song live in concert?

27. Song Title: Breathe Me In by Candlebox

-Great sex song or not?
yeah. If you suddenly feel all cheesy and super romantic, this song is perfect. 'Oh won't you breathe me in? I am home. Oh won't you breathe me in?'

28. Song Title: Goodnight And Goodbye By Metro Station

-What comes to mind when you hear this song?
The synthesizer makes very weird sounds.

29. Song Title: Voices By Saosin

-Is this one of those songs you hate but have anyway?
Nope! It's a good song.

30. Song Title: The Dirt Whispered by Rise Against.

-Does your ex like this song?
haha. i dont think so.

31. Song Title: Where Is My Mind by Placebo

-Could this song be considered for a "fight scene"?
Yeah. When you play it when people are fighting, it helps them keep track of where they're brains are. Since they keep singing 'where is my mind?'

32. Song Title: U + Ur Hand by Pink

-Is this song recent or old?

33. Song Title: Breaking Down by Trust Company

-Do your parents know this song?
HAHA. you think?

34. Song Title: The Secret by Vincent Black Shadow

-Is this song a guilty pleasure/Are you ashamed to have it?

35. Song Title: Perfect World by Billy Talent

-What soundtrack do you WISH this song could've been on?
hmmm. Like the one in A lot like love where ashton left amanda in his apartment and he moves away i forgot to where, like in the morning when she wakes up. like they should play the starting of this song. the rest of the song, not really. but its a cool song.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

2009 to be

so christmas is done with.
it was alright i guess.

i made new year resolutions today.
its more of a ritual to me.
i need more notebooks!
and thats the best present anyone can ever give me.
one can not have too many notebooks.
at least not i.

there's a carnival going on beside my place.
and its so noisy.

well, this year is not the best,
but its not that bad either.

updates on my year soon.


if i could, i would, but i can't

it hasnt changed much though time.
but people change their styles to suit it.

if i could do anything right now,
i would live in every era there is in every country,
on week at a time.
i don't mind making that my life.
at least i've seen almost everything.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i need eyeliner

it's almost christmas.
and then it's gonna be the new years.
then school's gonna start.
what a surprise.
i cant wait for this ritual to end.

next year's the last year.
the 12th year.
and its off to college.

big surprise there.

we should have new holidays.
i need a new ritual.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

hello there.

i have something to say..



i want my
very own
musician boy.

i want
a very
cute kid now.


OH MY GAWD. i pick the best seats in the house.

have you seen him play the piano?!?!?!

holy shit.

that's damn freaking ass hot.

spasms and diessss. X.X


Thursday, December 18, 2008

it's the holidays i tell you


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


i fianlly met bel and philson today,
after like what?
10 months or so.

today was sooo soo fun.
i met bel in the morning at her chocolate shop,
not really hers but she works there.
then we talked so much,
but there was always the phone ringing off the hook,
but it was good.
stayed there for like a million hours before philson came,
and she didnt realise it was him.
it was so funny.
like she was like 'hi. may i help you?'
then she stands there for like 5 seconds and she's like 'OMG! PHILSON!'
and then jumps on him.
which was really damn ass funny.

its funny how you grow up with people and see them become more mature.
and like from tweety bird and powerpuff girls all the way to i have a boyf and i have so much plans for the future.
its all really wierd cos we've grown up so much in the last 10 months.
too fast, i tell you.

leon wasnt there.
which means it wasnt that pastry gang.
i miss jamming with them so bad.
and like now,
we dont have the time to.
which is quite sad actually.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

we assume

i am doing nothing today,
so was i yesterday,
and maybe tmr.
whats for the holidays is piano and christmas,
and going out.

im lazy today.
watch pathology.
its an awesome show.
medical thriller.
i'll rate it 4 and a half/5
yes, i think it's that good.
everything packed into one movie.
the gore, the storyline, the sex, the hot actors.
its good.

donating BLOOD on friday.
tara made me.

my mom is making me go to some church thing.
like christmas dinner with youths.
and i said maybe.
and she's like, dont live in your own world.

dude, im 17.
i do whatever i want now.

one more year till freedom.
this year end marks my final year of being illegal for drinking and clubbing and smoking.

i cannot wait to go to college.


Monday, December 15, 2008

with everything comes a price

i miss you, like a whole hell load.


Friday, December 12, 2008

cute without the e

Who kisse​d you on new years​?​​
no one.

Did you make any new year'​​s resol​ution​s?​​
yeap, but i forgot where i wrote them in.

Does it snow where​ you live?​​

Which​ is bette​r:​​ hot choco​late or coffe​e?​​
Hot chocolate.
i'm allergic to coffee. :(

Do you watch​ the Super​bowl?​​

Did you have a Valen​tine this year?​​
Just my friends.

When you were littl​e did you give Valen​tines​ cards​ to your whole​ class​?

Do you like the color​ pink or red bette​r?​​

Do you even care if the groun​dhog sees its shado​w or not?
hahahhaa. no man. why should i care?

Did you know that Febru​ary is natio​nal grape​fruit​ month​?​

Are you Irish​?​​
noo. but i know shamrocks are rocks labelled sham. that's the only irish thing i know.

Do you alway​s wear green​ on St Patri​ck'​​s Day?
when is st patrick's day?

Are you happy​ when winte​r is prett​y much over?​​
summer is the best!

Do you like rain?​​
love it.

Do you like playi​ng prank​s on April​ Fools​ Day?
love playing pranks.

Do you know what 4/20 is?
yeap. what i get for my test results.

Is your birth​day in April​?​​

Do you still​ get candy​ on Easte​r?​​
noooooooo. never did, never will.

What is your favor​ite flowe​r?​​
i think they're sunflowers, or roses.

Are you glad when summe​r is almos​t here?​​
hahha. it's always here.

Finis​h the sente​nce:​​ April​ showe​rs bring​.​​.​​.​​.
May Suicides.
"According to the Priory Group, a seasonal variability in suicide rates exists worldwide, with more suicides occurring in the warm, sunny days of spring and early summer than any other time of the year. In the northern hemisphere, May and June and are peak months for suicide, while the southern hemisphere sees a peak in the month of November."

The More You Know.

What year did/​​will you gradu​ate from high schoo​l?​​

What'​​s your favor​ite baseb​all team?​​
I hate baseball.

Have you ever given​ your dad a tie on Fathe​r'​​s Day?

Do you like going​ on picni​cs?​​
yesssss. food!

Do you go to a lake on the 4th of July?​​
why would i?

Have you ever been kisse​d under​ the firew​orks?​​
oh. thats hot. thanks for the idea.

Are you going​ on any vacat​ions durin​g this month​?​​
went on one. just came back.

Do you blast​ the AC all day?
i wish i could. its so hot here.

What'​​s your favor​ite flavo​r ice cream​?​​
chocolate makes the world a better place.

Do you usual​ly tan or burn?​​

Do you enjoy​ going​ to the beach​?​​
well, yes.

One-​​piece​,​​ tanki​nis,​​ or bikin​is?​​
read that!

Does your famil​y ever have backy​ard BBQs?​​

Do you get excit​ed or nervo​us befor​e start​ing a new schoo​l year?​​

Who was your favor​ite teach​er ?
dont have one. im not i-love-teachers person.
most of them are pretty much horrible people to me.
unless you're not a teacher.

Do you love going​ shopp​ing for schoo​l suppl​ies?​

Do you love the fall bette​r than summe​r?​​
yay! leaves!

What was your last hallo​ween costu​me?​​
lalala. never dressed up for halloween, how sad is that?

What is your favor​ite candy​?​​
sour patchys!!!!

Have you ever sworn​ that you'​​ve seen a ghost​?​​

Have you ever playe​d a prank​ on Hallo​ween night​?​​

Whose​ house​ do you go to on Thank​sgivi​ng?​​
no one's!

Who or what are you most thank​ful for in your life?​​

Turke​y,​​ chick​en,​​ or ham for Thank​sgivi​ng?​​
food is fine. thanks.

Do you go shopp​ing on Black​ Frida​y?​​
hahahaha. what kinda holiday is that?

What'​​s on your Chris​tmas wishl​ist this year?​​
i want a poloroid.

Do you prefe​r real Chris​tmas trees​ over those​ fake ones?​​
real is nice.

Have you ever been kisse​d under​ the mistl​etoe?​​
i want to!

What age did you stop belie​ving in Santa​?​​
like 9 or something. but i've seen santa when i was 4.
hmm. the irony.

Has your famil​y ever throw​n a New Years​ Eve party​?​​
never, ever.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

all i want for christmas

someone one tell me where to get one.
i want him for christmas. :D

i realised a lot of stuff about myself recently,
i like chuck bass, pete doherty kinda people.
you know, that look,
shabby hair, cleancut or not doesnt matter,
but those awfully sexy eyes,
and the bad boy kinda look,
im so into that.
i hate spinning around.
just dont get my dizzy.
i hate getting dizzy.

and i'm back from australia.
i think i'll gain weight in singapore,
cos i hardly ate in australia.
food there sucked so bad.
i really should live there for awhile.
i need to get skinnier.

damn. i am so obssessed with chuck.
the last episode of gossip girl was so goood.
its getting addictive now.
and it sucks that all five shows,
dexter, one tree hill, gossip girl, 90210 & heroes,
are only coming back next year.
so 3 weeks of nothing.
this sucks.

i need to get my ipod fixed, again.
what the hell is wrong with my ipods?!?!


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

one month and one week

im leaving to kangaroo land tmr.
8 days.
i thought it was 10 till i read my blog. hah.

there are many mosquitoes in my room.
i dont know why.
i think i'm breeding them in my sleep.

i love rise against.
they are now my new favourite band.
i got sick of billy talent.
i had them on repeat in the longest time.
and they dont have a new album.
or do they?

nate archibald is so cute.
i love chuck bass.
i am such a 15 year old.
this is too wierd and young to have a celeb crush on those two.
but i really like chuck bass.
he is so freaking ass sexy.
at least i think he is.
and i dont usually describe anyone sexy.
but i think thats the perfect word to describe chuk.
freaking damn ass sexy.

i'll be back soon y'll.
im still fat and lazy.
but i wont after i come back.
i'll blog more.
i'll try to.
i've been blogging too lil recently.
