
im going chinese new year shopping today.
im seriously broke so im just hope-ing my mom is going to pay for everything.
reason why im broke?
i spent the rest of my allowance on cabbing,
and my savings on tiff's presents,
so right now, it's just 11 bucks. lol.
and i owe lauren 4.
ah, the weekends.
i spent it catching upon heroes.
i felt likei spent the whole day watching heroes yesterday.
but its only 5 episodes.
gees. it's not that good.
but i just want to finish the whole series.
i dont really have homework this weekend,
other than physics and music,
but i'll finish it soon.
i really have to start practisingmy keyboard parts.
im so horrible now.
that's only bcos i havent touched the piano in ages.
oh well, but i still can play.
i hope my mom would get me good eyeliner today.
my current eyeliner sucks.
im not going to stop until i finish watching heroes.
but it's going to take days.
there are like god-knows-how-many-episodes,
and each episode is one hour.
i want to finish up one tree hill and the OC
start on gossip girl and bionic woman.
what can i say?
lol. im such a tv addict.
i need a holiday.
cousin is coming from the US tmr.
i cannot wait!
i miss them so much!
i wish tiff came.
then there would be someone i can hang with for chinese new year.
now everyone is in different parts of the world,
reunion happens once in every 34256 years.
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