i feel like kissing someone

i feel like kissing someone.
i really do.
im happy though my grades were mediocre.
so i have 17 alright?
i had like a B4 in combine humans and i was like really shocked for that one cause i know i wrote a lot of shit for it.
english and physics sucked.
B3 for both.
i could have gotten higher for it, but its just one grade lower so who fUcking cares right?
so overall, its a 16 cos of my cca and stuff.
im just really happy i can remain in my school and stuff,
and be with sinead and sarah and ken and esther and blahblahblah.
too many.
people are so smart.
they got like 15? 13? 7? LOL.
but yeah. smart is the word.
im glad i did alright.
not too good, and not too bad.
i cried though.
i mean, i dried firstly, when i got my results, cos i was so happy.
and then i cried again when i hugged eunice.
sheesh. that was an odd feeling.
i hugged her and started crying.
i think i missed her too much.
and then i hugged justin and fahmi.
idiot. justin couldnt hug for shit.
but then we group hugged and they fucking squashed me in the middle.
and the best part; justin stinks.
swear to god he does.
i know fahmi doesnt so it must be justin right?
how can anyone stand him?
alright. i have to do physics while im in a really happy mood.
i have to do math too.
but its alright i guess.
im going to work harder.
so far, i really like school.
i need to do even better.
Labels: daily rants
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