have been, has been.

i've been reading my old blog again.
and a lot has happened in the past two years.
still, christmas last year felt like only yesterday.
kinda sucks huh?
school's over and it's kinda awful not having friends around.
bel, char, sock, I MISS U GUYS LIKE HELL!!
esp sock. lol. i have no idea why.
so anyways, what am i up to now?
ugh. working..
just like everyone else i know.
this job takes away most of my freedom,
my parents keep nagging.
my dad's my boss.
Level 1
(x) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked a cigar
( ) done weed
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
(x) drank alcohol
Total : 2
Level 2
( ) been in love
(x) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
Total : 2
Level 3
( ) snuck out of a parent's house
(x) had feelings for someone whodidn't have them back
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
( ) gone out on a blind date
Total : 1
Level 4
(x) had a crush on an older person
(x) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
(x) seen someone/something die [\yes. a snail. i killed it.]
Total : 3
Level 5
(x) had/have a crush on one of yourFRIENDSTER friends
( ) been to Paris
( ) been to Spain
(x) been on a plane
( ) thrown out for drinking
Total : 2
Level 6
(x) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
( ) met someone BECAUSE of myspace
( ) been mosh pitting
Total : 1
Level 7
( ) been in an abusive relationship
(x) taken pain killers
( ) love/like someone right now
(x) laid on your back and watchedcloud shapes go by
(x) made a snow angel
Total : 3
Level 8
(x) had a tea party
( ) flown a kite
(x) built a sand castle
(x) gone puddle jumping
(x) played dress up
Total : 4
Level 9
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
( ) gone sledding
(x) cheated while playing a game
(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/school
Total : 4
Level 10
( ) used a fake/someone else's ID
(x) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
( ) killed a snake
Total : 1
Level 11
(x) been tickled
( ) been robbed/ been vandalized
( ) robbed someone
(x) been misunderstood
( ) pet a reindeer
Total : 2
Level 12
( ) won a contest
( ) been suspended from school
(x) had detention
( ) been in a car/motorcycle accident
Total : 1
Level 13
( ) had/have braces
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) had deja vu
(x) danced in the moonlight
Total : 2
Level 14
(x) hated the way you look
(x) witnessed a crime
(x) pole danced (yes. truth or dare)
(x) questioned your heart
(x) been obsessed with post-it notes
Total : 5
Level 15
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
(x) been lost
(x) been to the opposite side of theworld
(x) swam in the ocean
(x) felt like you were dying
Total : 5
Level 16
(x) cried yourself to sleep
(x) played cops and robbers
( ) recently coloured withcrayons/colo red pencils/markers
( )sang karaoke
(x) paid for a meal with only coins
Total : 3
Level 17
(x) done something you told yourselfyou wouldn't
(x) made prank phone calls
(x) laughed until some kind ofbeverage came out of your nose
( ) kissed in the rain
Total : 3
Level 18
( )written a letter to Santa Clause
( )been kissed under a mistletoe
(x)watched the sun set with someoneyou care/cared about
(x) blown bubbles
( ) made a bonfire on the beach
Total : 2
Level 19
( ) crashed a party
( )have traveled more than 5 days witha car full of people
( ) gone roller skating/ blading
(x) had a wish come true
( ) Humped a monkey
Total : 1
Level 20
( ) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
( ) screamed "penis" at a footballgame.
( ) swimming with dolphins
Total : 0
Level 21
(x)got your tongue stuck to apole/freezer/ice cube
( ) kissed a fish
(x) bought the opposite sex clothes
(x) Sat on a roof top
Total : 3
Level 22
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) can do a one-handed cartwheel
(x) talked on the phone for more than3 hours
(x) stayed up all night
Total : 3
Level 23
( )picked and ate an apple right offthe tree
( )climbed a tree
( ) had/been in a tree house
( )aren't scared to watch scarymovies alone
Total : 0
Level 24
( )believe in ghosts
( )have/had more than 30 pairs ofshoes
( ) gone streaking
( ) been in jail
Total : 0
i've got _53_out of 125 crazy things done
Would you rather be called baby orbabe?
- if you're a boy, call me babe. if you're a girl, call me baby. lol.
How are you feeling today?
- bored.
What is on your bed right now?
- Pillows, blanket...
What are you looking forward to?
- christmas!
Do you miss anyone?
- Yes.
Where is he or she?
- At home. i think.. or out.. hmmm.
When will you smile?
- i guess.
Did you see anyone you knew lastFriday night?
- i was in australia.. hmm.
What are your plans for Saturday night?
- church?
Do you have classes tomorrow?
- Its the holidays.
What other windows do you have open besides this one?
- nothing else.
What are you going to eat for dinner?
- whao. i havent had lunch yet.
Is it your favorite dinner?
- i have no freaking clue!
Do you knock or ring the doorbell
- knock if the doorbell if spoilt, or if there isnt a doorbell.
Do you love compliments?
- Yeah.
Do you believe in yourself?
- Sometimes.
Do you have a daily planner?
- No.
Who was the last person you commented?
- hmm. i cant remember!
Did you take your default pictureyourself ?
- nope!
You got a message today?
- nope! not yet.
Name one person that you haven't seenin a while.
What would you do if he/she/theyshowed up on your front porch?
- SCREAM! then run and hug her.
What song is playing right now?
- i dont have a song playing.
Does that song remind you of someone?
- nope.
How was your day?
- awfully boring.
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